The Winter Solstice has arrived, and with it comes the darkest night of the year. Something magical happens when there is less light to guide us; we usher in our own guidance to lead the way. The solstice marks the transition back to light, but also in a sense is only the beginning of Winter.
This time of year is a time of introspection. It is one of intuition and discovering our selves. Like a bear hibernating for Spring, we too can go inward and reflect in the darkness of our caves. Without the warmth of the outdoors to beckon us outward, we can naturally turn in and focus on our selves.
These cold dark months, and specifically this Winter Solstice, is a time of mystery and wonder, of discovery and understanding. By being curious to finding our true selves, we unearth who we really are. We can finally become who we are meant to be.
Ask yourself: what is it I can finally let go of? What do I want to hold on to? We can explore our internal world with childlike awe, and be delighted when we see what it means to be Me, and too be grateful at the things meant to be released.
I find this time of year special. It tends to be more quiet with less distraction and noise. The stillness of the cold air is broken only with the slightest of rustling of winter greens. In the morning I find myself peering outside of the window watching the birds that stick around on these bitter days. They dance around and play and relish at the bright sun peaking over the hills. These morning bird songs are music to my ears, and I find myself grateful to be alive.
What are you grateful for? How can you start your day with mystery and curiosity? Find your guiding light and let it show you the way.
As the dullness of winter is illuminated by life, I find comfort in these short simple days. Less time is spent scrolling through social media, on a phone or artificially illuminated by a screen, and more time just appreciating where I am. The ground is frozen outside, and I cozy up next to a well-lit fireplace. A warm cup of coffee in my hand and wool socks on my feet. Nothing is better than this right now because it is right now. You see?
Be present in all that you do and are. See the magic in the moment and appreciate your surroundings. Only with open gratitude and awareness can we allow for the space to grow.
On this solstice, how can we celebrate the darkness by honoring life? Perhaps having a fire or burning something in release. Maybe lighting a candle for a loved one no longer here is the ceremony you need. Anything that feels good to you, is where you can put your attention. See what you are drawn to, and follow that.
I cannot say for sure what today will bring. What I do know is I right now I can look out my window and appreciate the land I am living on with the people I call family and the animals I love. I find comfort in the quiet gratitude expressed only in the simplest of moments. It is in this state we discover our selves. In this space we can let go and rebuild.
With all my love, I hope you have many beautiful days to come.